Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Upcoming Vacation!!

We will be leaving in less than a month!! YAY! We are getting really excited for our Western Caribbean Cruise Feb. 21st. Thanks to my Dad, Derek and I will be going on our very first cruise. It will be such a nice get away from all the stress of working 7 days and week and a sad, but nice time away from kids. I will miss them so much. We have never left Caleb like this before and I am sure he will be upset. Sydney will be OK since they will be with her favorite person EVER, my Mom. I think she will just be jealous. =] My Dad, his wife Kathy, her son Kyle and Derek and I will all be going on the cruise. We will be seeing Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize City and Guatemala. And will enjoy Mayan Ruins, swimming in a waterfall, Rappelling, horseback riding, ATV rides through the jungle and so much more!! The ship alone is going to be super exciting for me. Also, we will be leaving from New Orleans during Marti Gras, so we can enjoy a bit of that too. I will let you know all about it when we return!!

As for REAL life....I am doing good. Working at JCPenney salon on the weekends is working out great. I love everyone that I work with and enjoy having time to act like an adult rather than a three year old ha ha. I have had several of my own clients come in, which is great. Plus I should be on the right track on building a clientele.
Derek is also doing well. He is very motivated going to the gym almost every day. He has been great on the weekends taking care of the house and kids. He is hoping to start fixing up our home soon and wants to get more involved in the church after reading the Left Behind series of books.
Sydney is doing alright. She is a very good and happy girl. She is struggling a bit in school at the moment, but we hope to fix that. She just talked me into coloring her hair purple! not all of it just highlights, but it's cute and yes it will wash out after a few washes =]. She is still very involved in Girl Scouts and loves it. She will be nine years old in March! I can't believe it!
Caleb just turned four earlier this month. We had a great party for him. He is still in preschool and enjoying it more and more as he gets older.
Well hope all is well with all of you!! I will keep in touch! Here's some random pics...

Sydney with purple hair

Caleb at Pump it up

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Been a while!!!

Sorry it has been so long since I have written...Been pretty busy, had some changes over the last few months.

First off...I am now working weekends at JCPenney Salon and I am LOVING it! It is so nice to get out and do what I love. It is hard since I am now working 7 days a week, but it is definitely helping us financially.

Yesterday was Caleb's 4th birthday! We went out to dinner to Red Robin and had a great day. We will be having his birthday party in a couple weeks though, I wanted to push it back a little to give a beak from Christmas. We will be going to a place called Lil' Biggs, it is a great place for kids his age.

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, I hope all of you did also. The kids got majorly spoiled....oh ok so did I. ha ha.

We are looking forward to our Cruise the end of February!!! Western Caribbean! It is coming so fast! It will be a nice change from the freezing weather we have been having here. Been really cold, yet not much snow so far.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Summer had to end sometime I guess.....

Wow is it time for Halloween already!?! Have you noticed that after Halloween the year just goes by in a blur......Halloween......Thanksgiving.......Christmas.......New Years......happens so fast! I guess it's time to save some money for presents!
I do love the Fall though. Right now all the trees have bright orange, gold and red leaves that are filling up our gutters. The nights are 40 degrees or lower and we wake to frost on the grass. I do love it though, so pretty.
Another great thing about Fall........Hockey season! yes we love our hockey. We watch the Colorado college tigers play as often as possible and so far this season I have been to 3 out of 5 games and Derek has been to 4 out of 5. Undefeated so far. They are such a great team. Going to the hockey games is such a great treat for us. A great date night. Not too expensive and most of the time free, except parking, since we get free tickets from Derek's grandparents(they have season tickets). Caleb has been to a couple of the games too, he really likes them. Sydney not so much, she actually considers it a punishment. One time we were so proud because we looked over at her in her seat and she said "this is so much fun" we thought she was talking about the game, but turns out she was just talking about how the chair folds up and down! oh well, that's what we got Caleb for right?
My computer is still broken, but hopefully I will have it by Halloween so that I can post some pictures of the kiddos in their costumes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life Happens

So I know I haven't written in a while, I guess you can say I've been busy....

So let's see what has happened since the last time? Derek and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary, it was fun. We spent the night in Denver, went to a nice dinner and shopped downtown. I took a bunch of pictures, But my computer is broken and I am using Derek's now. I can't hook my camera to this one.
As some of you may have known I have been trying to lose weight, especially for my upcoming cruise in February. I was doing pretty good till I hurt my foot! I guess what I did to it is called Plantar Fasciitis? I apparently hurt the tissue that connects the heel to the toes. I did this walking(exercising). I went to the doctor and they said to just take a bunch of Motrin and it could take up to 4 weeks to heal, it's been three and it still hurts really bad! I can't do anything, I feel crippled! Hopefully this will heal soon, so that I can get to the gym and reach my goal for the cruise!
Other than that I haven't been doing too much, I am still babysitting during the day which keeps me really busy. Derek and I are starting to slowly fix up the house so that we can sell it hopefully in the spring. Caleb and Sydney are in school. Sydney is in choir this year and seems to like it a lot. Caleb is just his same old wild self!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Giddy up to the Colorado State Fair! Yeeha!

So, we had a wonderful Sunday at the Colorado State Fair! Fun stuff! We got to enjoy all the lovely and smelly farm animals, the kids milked a cow and we saw some cowboys riding horses! Besides being a bit hot, it was great. Thank you again Mom for taking us!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm addicted...........

So I started last Week reading these books...the twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. Oh my goodness I love them! You might have heard of them, they are really popular and there will be a movie for the first book that comes out in December. So I read ALL four books in one week! Each book is about 750 pages! I am insane! Now that I am done I have no idea what to do. I have completely sucked myself into the lives of Bella and her vampire lover Edward! I feel kinda depressed! lol Like I lost a good friend or something. Anyways, I am sure I will get over it, but if you haven't read these books you should.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A wonderful day at Santa's workshop...

So Derek and I have the whole week off! Yay!! We are able to do things with the kids and actually enjoy the summer before it leaves us. Of course one thing we wanted to do was go to the North Pole! So we did......

Sydney riding Donder
The world's highest farris helps that it's ON Pikes Peak haha

little vikings
We are going camping tomorrow, so I am sure you can expect another blog shortly!!